Saturday, October 22, 2016

A Wanderer's Cry

My sincere apologies for my absence. As you'll soon see, my time and energies have been diverted elsewhere, and the effect will not soon be forgotten. I will try to get back on a more regular schedule from here on out, but please bear with me as I figure everything out. In the meantime, a gift for you:
A Wanderer's Cry

My well is dry
My cup is spilt
My soul weighed down
By shame and guilt

I try so hard
My time is gone
Sleep runs at night
I'm up at dawn

So much consumes
Many good things
But stress and darkness
Still have stings

And my hands shake
While my eyes fill
For how could God
Yet love me still?
I avoid Him
I don't have time
To read His words
Or sing His rhymes
My busyness
All of these needs
Will kill my soul
With all their greed
Now my heart sinks
My tears soon fall
My eyes avoid
The Lord of all
Where can I run?
Where shall I go?
Could Holy God
Still love me so?
Through woods I run
Till my feet fail
Against my will
A plaintive wail
Falls from my lips
A desperate cry
From on the ground
I face the sky
For though my hope
Is all but gone
I cry out now,
Searching for dawn
"Almighty God,
Because I'm weak,
I need you, Lord,
Won't you please speak?"
A gentle voice
A still, small, sound
Then sweet embrace
At last, I'm found
He lifts me up
And dries my tears
And He and I
Then face my fears
And now we run
My heart is free
For somehow, my God
Still loves me.


  1. This is beautiful, Alena! I was so excited to see one of your blog posts sitting in my inbox. Looking forward to more! *hugs*

  2. Thank you so much, Hannah! I'm looking forward to more as well :) *hugs*
