Thursday, May 12, 2016

Following Paths

Most people figure out something that they are called to do at some point in their lives. It's something they were born to, created for, designed to do. Some people figure out their callings when they are children, knowing from the beginning of their memories that they are singers, artists, astronauts, or architects. Others pick it up over time, realizing that they are gifted in mathematics, working with their hands, or performing arts. Still others spend much of their lives wondering what their true calling is, and wander far from the paths set before them until they find their ways to photography, nuclear science, surgery, or military strategy. Many eventually give up the search in favor of finances or outside pressures, settling for jobs they loathe instead of following a dream or pursuing a talent they pushed to the side.
Some are told their talents aren't enough, that they need a skill set the job market wants or they need to find a way to make their dreams make money. The girl who knows how to listen with the compassion and sympathy of a friend and gives wise advice is told she should pursue counseling and winds up burning out because of the weight of the world's problems. The young man who enjoys playing a flute is told to switch to something more modern if he wants to get anywhere in the music industry. And though money is a necessity, it is a heart-wrenching thing to be told it matters more than the passion that lights a fire in your soul.
Some have random skills that don't seem to connect, and it seems to come down to choosing what may be a career and what must remain a hobby for the rest of your life. A basketball player who also cooks phenomenally, a budding accountant with significant medical interests and knowledge, an actress who can take a car apart and put it back together correctly - how do they combine their passions and talents to make a living at what they love? It's easier to let some things remain dreams and pursue the sure moneymakers, even at the cost of missing out on their true calling.
I fall into the last category. There are many paths I could follow, and jobs I could excel in, and ways I could bring joy and service to others. I could follow the money, find a broad field I know well and ensure a salary for years to come. I could follow the ethereal dreams and hope that someone sees enough value in what I come up with to help me survive. I could put both aside, for that matter. I could decide to track down a dragon and fly off to a parallel universe in which none of this matters as long as the darkness is defeated by the light.
But one thing I know is that I am a writer. Writing comes as naturally to me as breathing. Sometimes it's all fun and games, with fantasy worlds, imaginary characters, and dreams beyond this galaxy. Sometimes it's more serious, with musings about the nature of God and the purpose of humanity. Still other times it gets darker, with some real-life struggles and topics many shy away from. Regardless of the nature, though, it is always necessary for me to write - write out my thoughts, my ideas, my hopes and dreams. Not only that, but I know I am supposed to write to share with others. It's not just for my benefit, it's for the world to see. It's to encourage others to face their choices, their own battles with light and darkness, with the courage and strength at their disposal, whether that's through examples in my own experience or the journeys of characters that mirror our own. I know I'm supposed to write, to bring hope.
That's where I'm starting from, and I hope I haven't scared you away yet. I'd love to share with you what God has done in my writing and my life in general. Though I can't promise it'll always be intelligible, I can say it'll never be boring. You'll walk away with questions to consider and ideas to pursue, whether it's in your own writing, your walk with God, or your life in general. So why not join me? It'll be a fun ride.


  1. Thank you for this beautiful post!! The layout and design is fantastic and the words themselves epitomise poetry-in-prose. They are also feelings that I can very much identify with :) I'm sure I'm not the only person who has been left feeling inspired by this and I'm sure many others will be in the future. Looking forward to more!

    1. Thank you for your kind words! I'm excited to finally begin this, and I look forward to how everything will turn out.
